Brooks Road Reconstruction

Spokane County plans to reconstruct and improve Brooks Road in western Spokane County, Washington. The proposed reconstruction involves the grind and overlay of roughly 4 inches of existing asphalt with base and subgrade improvements where necessary. The road will be widened from 28 feet to 36 feet to accommodate two 12-foot travel lanes and two 6-foot shoulders. Culverts will be extended and a guardrail installed as necessary. The reconstruction will occur within the existing general footprint.

A review of previously recorded cultural resources and archaeological surveys revealed five previously recorded cultural resources — four cemeteries and one archaeological site — and four previously conducted cultural resource surveys within 1.0 mile of the Project Area. Brooks Road is shown on maps as early as 1905 but was not rerouted to is present alignment until between 1943 and 1950.

The fieldwork was completed implementing inspection techniques to identify both surface and subsurface archaeological resources. No pre-contact or historic-era cultural material or features were observed during the pedestrian survey and the 20 subsurface probes excavated within the Project Area. The proposed undertaking is limited to an existing modern transportation infrastructure, and subsurface investigations revealed soil profiles that exhibit disturbances from road construction and maintenance, and utility installation. The majority of ground disturbing activities will occur within the general footprint of the existing road. Thus, Plateau recommends the proposed undertaking will result in No Adverse Properties Affected, and no further archaeological investigations were recommenced prior to or during execution of the Brooks Road Reconstruction Project.

Location: Spokane County, Washington

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