Monroe Road Bridge Replacement

Spokane County plans to replace the existing Monroe Road Bridge (Bridge #2803) spanning the west branch of Dragoon Creek in northern Spokane County, Washington. The Project Area is approximately 900 feet long. The existing Monroe Road Bridge and its approaches, including 700 feet of roadway south of the bridge, will be replaced in its general footprint. The new bridge will measure 77.5 feet long, and will include two 12-foot vehicle lanes and two 6.0-foot shoulders. To accommodate the new length, the bridge will be raised approximately 2.0 feet on the south end, and 1.0 foot on the north end. A temporary staging area will be located in the southwest portion of the Project Area.

The cultural resource survey of the Monroe Road Bridge (#2803) Replacement Project is intended to identify potential archaeological resources and potential historic properties prior to proposed construction. A review of previously recorded cultural resources and archaeological surveys revealed no previously recorded cultural resources and no previously conducted cultural resource surveys within 1.0 mile of the Project Area. Monroe Road is shown on maps as early as 1905; the original bridge was built in 1959 and reconstructed in 2000.

Fieldwork was completed implementing inspection techniques to identify both surface and subsurface archaeological resources. No precontact or historic-era cultural material or features were observed during the pedestrian survey or within the ten subsurface probes excavated. The proposed undertaking is limited to an existing modern transportation infrastructure environment, and road construction and maintenance have disturbed the majority of the Project Area. The majority of ground disturbing activities will involve fill and a minor excavation in the current footprint of the bridge and the 700 feet of roadway south of the bridge. Further, the Monroe Road Bridge is not eligible for listing on the NRHP. Plateau recommends the proposed undertaking will result in No Adverse Properties Affected, and no further archaeological investigations are recommended prior to or during execution of the Monroe Road Bridge #2803 Replacement Project.

Location: Spokane County, Washington

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