Verizon Wireless proposes to lease a 50-x-50-foot area on a host parcel in Goldendale, Klickitat County, Washington. This proposed project is the construction of a 65-foot monopole communication tower and the installation of the associated equipment. The area of potential effect is the area required for the construction of the tower, and covers less than 1.0 acre.
Background research indicated that the proposed undertaking was in an area possessing a moderate risk for encountering cultural resources. No cultural material was observed during the pedestrian survey for the proposed communication tower, and no NRHP properties are located within the direct and visual APEs, defined as a 0.5-mi (0.8-km) radius of the proposed communication tower. The project resulted in No Historic Properties Effected, and no further archaeological investigations were recommended prior to execution of this project.
Location: Klickitat County, Washington