This proposed project is the construction of a 150-foot self support lattice communication tower and the installation of the associated equipment. The area of potential effect (APE) is the area required for the construction of the tower and equipment, and totals less than 1.0 acre.
Pre-field research consisted of a file search at the Nez Perce Tribal Historic Preservation Officer’s (THPO) office in Lapwai, Idaho. This research included the identification of known archaeological resources and of previous cultural resource management projects within a 1.0-mi (1.6-km) radius of the Project Area. This search revealed three archaeological resources (10LE53, 10LE68, and 10LE100) within 1.0 mi (1.6 km) of the Project Area, none of which are located directly in the Project Area. Mason Butte is a Traditional Cultural Property (TCP) known as Talmaks.
The pedestrian survey and subsurface investigations conducted for the Mason Butte Communication Tower resulted in no newly recorded cultural resources in the Project Area. However, the proposed undertaking is located within a TCP, and the Nez Perce Tribal Historic Preservation Office will conduct a separate TCP study on the property. The Nez Perce THPO has instructed Plateau “cannot determine that there are no historic properties in the Project Area, and that there will be an adverse effect.”
Location: Lewis County, Idaho