Patrick Avenue Reconstruction Project

The City of Kittitas has secured funding through the Surface Transportation Program (STP) to assist with reconstruction of Patrick Avenue.  The reconstruction will stretch along Patrick Avenue from Spokane Street to the western edge of the city.  The street will be widened to make room for turn lanes.  A left turn lane will be constructed from the high school entrance to the west, and a right turn lane will be built from the high school entrance to the east.  Curb, gutter, and sidewalk will also be installed on both sides, resulting in contiguous sidewalk along both sides of the road.  The project area stretches 1,850 linear feet, covering approximately 2.3 acres.

Pre-field research revealed five previously recorded archaeological resources are located nearby, although none are in the proposed undertaking.  The Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation’s predictive model places the Project Area within areas of high risk, moderate risk, and moderately low risk for encountering cultural resources.

The pedestrian survey and subsurface investigations for the Kittitas Patrick Avenue Reconstruction Project resulted in no newly recorded cultural resources during the pedestrian survey or subsurface investigations.  The majority of the project has been previously disturbed by road construction and underground utilities.  The proposed undertaking will result in No Historic Properties Affected, and no further archaeological investigations are recommended prior to, or during, execution of this project.

Location: Kittitas County, Washington

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