Springdale Water Quality Improvements Project

The Town of Springdale is proposing improvements to the Town’s aged water system, including development of a new well supply, construction of an approximately 600,000-gallon reservoir, and replacement of the majority of the Town’s distribution system. Construction will be multi-phased.  Phase I—Well Supply—includes Well Drilling construction of the well pump station and transmission main.  Phase 2–Storage and Distribution—includes construction of a reservoir, access road, transmission main, overflow pipe and distribution main replacements.

The project will be funded with federal funds administered by two state agencies: the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, administered by the Department of Commerce, and the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF), jointly administered by the Public Works Board and the WA Department of Health.  Since CDBG administers federal HUD funds and DWSRF administers U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) funds, the Town of Springdale must meet the requirements of Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) and consider potential impacts to historic properties prior to ground-breaking activities.

Plateau Archaeological Investigations performed a background review and conducted pedestrian survey and shovel probing across the area of potential effect (APE).  During the cultural resource survey, one historic-era site was located.  The site includes features related to limestone quarrying and heat treatment as well as scatters of historic debris.  The historic site is located on the north end of the Project Area in the proposed reservoir area.  Under Criterion A: Events of National Register Bulletin No. 15, this site is not eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places.  Despite the presence of historic features located within the boundaries of the proposed reservoir location, the installation of a reservoir and related pipeline can be placed so as to avoid impacting features of the site in any way.  Based on the results of the cultural resource survey, Plateau recommends all construction activities related to the reservoir be located beyond a buffer around the historic features.  Construction for the well and distribution main replacements will be located within disturbed sediments; therefore, Plateau recommends this project proceed as planned.

Location: Stevens County, Washington

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