The City of Brewster and Anderson Field Airport, located in Okanogan County, Washington, have obtained a Federal Aviation Administration Airport Improvement Program grant for improvements to the Anderson Field Airport facility. The area of potential effect covers 71 acres and includes three airport projects: Taxiway Extension, Land Acquisition, and Perimeter Fencing. The taxiway improvements cover 13 acres and consist of a parallel taxiway south of the runway and would connect to the existing turn-around taxiway ends. The land acquisition includes the purchase of land to the west of the airport within the runway protection zone (RPZ). The fencing project will see construction of a security fence along the property of the airport, including the RPZ land to the west of the airport. The Fencing Phasing Plan includes approximately 13,000 linear feet of perimeter fence. As this is a federally funded project, the potential impacts to historic properties must be considered prior to implementation, as per Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
Pre-field research included a review of known archaeological resources within a 1.0-mi (1.6 km) radius of the Project Area, and identified 52 previously recorded archeological sites and one archaeological district. The Lake Pateros Archaeological District passes through the Project Area. There are no previously recorded sites within the Project Area; however, site 45OK131 (a pre-contact camp) is located approximately 80 ft (24.4 m) south of the Project Area.
The field investigation included intensive pedestrian survey of the Project Area and excavation of 43 subsurface probes. The cultural resource survey and subsurface investigations of the Anderson Field Airport Improvements Project resulted in no new cultural resources identified. The proposed undertaking will result in No Historic Properties Affected, and no further archaeological investigations are recommended prior to, or during, execution of this project.
Location: Okanogan County, Washington