Plateau Archaeological Investigations, LLC completed a cultural resource survey for the City of Colville’s Upper Pressure Zone Improvements Project. The project includes the construction of a one million gallon water reservoir, transmission line, and access road. Funding for the project is through a Drinking Water State Revolving Fund, administered by the Washington State Department of Health. As this is a state funded project, consideration of potential impacts to cultural resources must be completed prior to project execution in compliance with Executive Order 05-05.
Background research at the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation indicated that there are no previously recorded cultural resources within the area of potential effect, and that one historic property, a historic-era barn, is located nearby. During the field visit, archaeologists monitored the excavation of four geotechnical pits. Neither the pedestrian survey nor the monitoring revealed Native American or historic-era cultural material or features within the area of potential effect. Plateau recommends that the project proceed with no further archaeological investigations.
Location: Stevens County, Washington