City of Goldendale West Columbia Neighborhood Improvement Project

The City of Goldendale is proposing the execution of the West Columbus Neighborhood Improvement Project, a street construction project that will include widening and resurfacing streets, construction of sidewalks, curbs, gutters, and the replacement of waterline, sewerline, and storm drains.  The area of potential effects covers approximately 14.4 acres in Section 20 of Township 04 North, Range 16 East, Willamette Meridian.  The proposed undertaking lies within the City of Goldendale city limits, and includes seven streets.  Anticipated impacts include excavations, compaction of sediments, and other ground disturbing construction activities during the proposed undertakings.  Road and sidewalk replacement will reach depths of 1.0 foot, and storm drain lines will reach depths between 2.0 and 5.0 feet.  All work will be conducted within the 66-foot right-of-way.

No Native American or historic-era cultural materials or features were identified during the pedestrian survey of the proposed City of Goldendale West Central Neighborhood Project.  Additionally, Plateau archaeologically monitored 800 linear feet (243.8 linear meters) of the Project Area for City of Goldendale 2009 Water Improvements Project (Hannum 2010) during which no archaeological resources were identified.   The proposed undertaking will result in No Historic Properties Affected, and no further archaeological investigations are recommended prior to, or during, execution of this project.

Location: Klickitat County, Washington

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