Coulee City Reservoir Project

The Town of Coulee City is planning to construct a water reservoir within Town owned property, covering approximately 16.5 acres. The project includes the reservoir within a 150 foot by 150 foot fenced compound, approximately 1,150 feet of new pipeline, and the construction of a new 250 foot access road. The Washington State Department of Health’s 2011 Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) is providing grant funding for this project. The DWSRF is a grant provided to the state by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to fund capital construction loans and to ensure compliance with drinking water rules.

Background research revealed 25 previously recorded cultural resources and 10 previously conducted cultural resource surveys within 1.0 mi (1.6 km) of the Project Area, none of which are located within the Project Area.

No Native American or historic‐era cultural materials were identified on the ground surface or in either of the 15 shovel probes. Portions of the Project Area have been previously disturbed; this includes an existing water tower, well house building, pipeline, and two previous spring developments. Additionally, the Town has used portions of the Project Area as a dumping area. Execution of the Coulee City Reservoir Project will result in no historic properties affected.

Location: Coulee City, Washington

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