Davenport 7th Street/Park Street Sidewalk Project

The City of Davenport is planning to reconstruct sidewalks along Park Street and 7th Street, as well as two retaining walls along 7th Street. A portion of the wall and sidewalk on the west side of 7th Street was replaced over a year ago with concrete cast retaining wall blocks. Currently, a portion of the existing wall on the east side of 7th has collapsed; the walls, in general, are in poor to fair condition.

The proposed undertaking is partially funded by the Washington State Transportation Improvement Board through a Small City Preservation Program grant. Since this project is funded by state funds, the City of Davenport must meet the requirements of Executive Order 05-05 and consider the potential impacts to historic properties prior to project execution. To that end, Century West Engineering, the engineering and management firm for the project, retained Plateau to conduct the cultural resource survey.

Pre-field research identified three previously recorded archaeological resources within a mile of the project area boundaries; however, all of those resources are outside the project area which lies within an area of “High Risk” for encountering cultural resources. A records search concerning the original construction of the retaining walls yielded no information. During the on-site survey, both Lincoln County Public Works and the offices at the City Hall in Davenport were consulted. Anecdotal information from David Leath, City Clerk/Treasurer stated that the walls were constructed “around the turn of the 20th century.” No other information, documentation, or early photographs have been found.

Pedestrian survey covered the entire area of potential effect, and the archaeologists excavated two subsurface shovel probes. No precontact or historic-era cultural material or features were observed during the pedestrian survey and subsurface investigations of the Project Area.

Plateau recommends the proposed undertaking will result in No Historic Properties Affected, and no further archaeological investigations are recommended prior to or during execution of the Davenport 7th Street/Park Street Sidewalk Project.

Location: Lincoln County, Washington

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