Davenport Runway Relocation Project

The Davenport Municipal Airport, is proposing a runway rehabilitation, taxiway, and fencing project. Since the City of Davenport and the Federal Aviation Administration are coordinating the project, it requires that the guidelines of the Section 106 National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) of 1966 must be met, and consider the potential impacts to historic properties prior to project execution. To that end, Plateau Archaeological Investigations, LLC (Plateau) was retained to conduct cultural resource investigations of the area of potential effect (APE).

The rehabilitation project will include a shift and extension west of Runway 5-23. This shift and extension will allow for the runway protection zone (RPZ) and runway thresholds to not interfere with current airport structures and nearby roadways. In addition, a turnaround taxiway for Runway 5, a taxiway connection to the existing hangars, and fence around the property will be constructed, since they do not currently exist.

Pedestrian survey was confined to the Project Area’s boundaries and included four transects, spaced between 15 to 20 m apart along the location of the runway and proposed runway extension, in addition to a single transect that followed the fence line perimeter of the Project Area. Subsurface investigations included the excavation of 37 probes. Pedestrian survey identified one historic resource while surveying the outer perimeter of the Project Area.

Location: Lincoln County, Washington

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