Deer Creek Road Culvert Replacement Project

The Idaho Soil and Water Conservation District (ISWCD) is working in the Deer Creek Watershed, west of the City of White Bird, Idaho County, to replace eight fish barrier culverts.  The proposed undertaking is funded through the Snake River Basin Adjudication (SRBA), a statutorily created lawsuit to inventory all surface and water rights in the stream system.   The area of potential effect (APE) covers approximately 0.06 acre, and includes eight non-contiguous locations.  Seven culverts are located along Deer Creek Road (County Road 493) and one culvert is located along a private road.

Pre-field research revealed that while there are numerous sites recorded along the banks of the Salmon River, one falls within the proposed undertaking.  The Boise Trail spans 73 mi (121.7 km) and was used by Native American travelers and later adopted by Euroamericans.  The trail was the major overland route between Fort Boise, located in Boise, and Fort Nezperce, located in Lewiston, from the early 1800s until the development of wagon roads in the late 1800s.  Portions of the trail are still used today, and have been incorporated into improved roadways, such as Deer Creek Road.  This site is eligible for listing, but not currently listed on the National Register of Historic Places.

An ISHS Antiquities Permit was secured prior to fieldwork to conduct cultural resource investigations at locations of the proposed undertaking along the Boise Trail.  The fieldwork included inspection techniques to identify both surface and subsurface archaeological resources.  The pedestrian survey and subsurface investigations for the Deer Creek Road Culvert Replacement Project resulted in no newly recorded archaeological resources during the pedestrian survey or subsurface investigations.  Four of the culverts are within the boundaries of site 10IH3435, the Boise Trail; however, the proposed undertaking is the replacement of existing culverts and will not further alter the site.  No further archaeological investigations are recommended prior to, or during, execution of this project.

Location:  Idaho County, Idaho

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