Plateau Archaeological Investigations conducted a cultural resource survey of a proposed water transmission line in the City of College Place. The waterline included approximately 2,900 feet of 24-inch diameter transmission line and 3,050 feet of 12-inch diameter waterline. The latter section will lead to two water reservoirs which will occupy an area of 2.0 acres. This project is partly funded by state monies, and impacts to cultural and historical resources must be considered prior to execution of the project as directed by Executive Order 05-05.
Plateau archaeologists recorded an historic-era site during the pedestrian survey and minimal subsurface investigations. Plateau excavated ten shovel probes west of Garrison Creek, one to the north and nine to the south. Subsurface investigations south of the creek produced historic-era cultural material approximately 10 m south of the creek to the corner of 12th Street. Cartographic analysis, and lack of military insignia, indicates that the cultural material recovered during subsurface investigations is not directly related to Fort Walla Walla. Rather the artifacts represent activities associated with the Davin family, who established a residence on a parcel of land that falls within the Project Area. Given the fact that there is a site within the Project Area, an excavation permit is required prior to ground disturbance, unless consultation with the Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation states otherwise. Plateau recommended archaeological monitoring of the site during ground disturbing activities at the location, while no further archaeological investigations are recommended for the remaining portions of the project area.
Location: Walla Walla County, Washington