Ellensburg Bull Road Utility Extension

The City of Ellensburg is planning to extend domestic water, sewer, natural gas, power, and telecommunications utilities along Bull Road and Berry Road. RH2 Engineering has retained Plateau Archaeological Investigations, LLC to conduct a cultural resource survey to identify potential archaeological resources and potential historic properties in the Project Area prior to planned ground disturbing activities. The City may choose to install some of the utilities within a 20-foot wide easement in a private agricultural field for which the city has not yet obtained access. This proposed easement was viewed from the existing right-of-way, but was not physically accessed.

A review of previously recorded cultural resources and archaeological surveys revealed 12 archaeological resources and 15 previously conducted surveys within one mile of the project. None of these resources intersect the proposed project. The DAHP’s predictive model places the Bull Road Utility Extension Project within areas of high and low probability for encountering cultural resources based on environmental factors.

The Plateau archaeologist conducted pedestrian survey that covered the entire length of the project, and monitored the excavation of five geotechnical test pits. No precontact or historic-era cultural materials or features were identified during the pedestrian survey or archaeological monitoring.

Plateau recommends a determination of No Historic Properties Affected, and that no further archaeological investigations are recommended prior to, or during, execution of this project. If the installation of portions of the utilities is carried out within the proposed 20-foot easement, Plateau recommends The City of Ellensburg provide for archaeological monitoring of at least 35% of the easement. This monitoring would be to provide Plateau the opportunity for additional subsurface visibility and inspection. It would also provide Plateau the opportunity to meet with the installation crew and discuss risks and outline plans and responsibilities in the case of an inadvertent discovery.

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