Energy and Infrastructure
Meeting Energy and Infrastructure needs is of increasing importance with an expanding population. These types of projects include things like the establishment or refurbishment of natural gas lines, fiber optic cables, or windmills. Plateau has completed several projects of this type including, generating stations for public utilities, and monitoring projects for the implementation of high-pressure gas lines. Depending on the location and scope of these projects, they may require an Historic Properties Inventory, Preliminary Cultural Resource Review, and/or Cultural Resource Survey, potentially leading to an Inadvertent Discovery Plan and /or Monitoring.
Related Services
Preliminary Review And PCRRs
Conducting database and historical map review to assess the potential of cultural resource presence and disturbance within the project.
Archaeological monitoring includes the observation of construction and development excavation activities. We can help you identify, recover, protect, and/or document cultural resources in the site area.
Cultural Resource Management
provide our clients with all of the information to successfully complete their projects while also protecting cultural resources that may exist in a Project Area.
Testing, Excavation, And Recovery
With our 25 years of experience, we can move you through permitting and consultation processes smoothly, and help our clients complete their projects on time and on budget.