Granger Wastewater Facility and Sewer Improvements

Plateau Archaeological Investigations conducted the archaeological monitoring for the Granger Wastewater Facility and Sewer Improvements located within the existing wastewater treatment facility and Hisey Park in Granger, Washington.  In 2011, Plateau completed a cultural resource survey for the wastewater and sewer project, and no cultural resources were identified. The Yakama Tribe requested an archaeological monitor during construction within the wastewater facility.  Additionally, the Washington Information System for Architectural and Archaeological Records Data’s (WISAARD) predictive model, maintained by the Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP), places the project area within an area of very high risk for archaeological resources.  However, the Project Area was used as a borrow pit when the bridge abutment for State Route 223 was constructed in 1968.  The area was later converted to Hisey Pond and Park.  The Wastewater Facility project includes the installation of 1,005 feet (ft) (306.3 meters [m]) of 12 inch PVC pipe and three manholes.

Over the course of 10 days, a Plateau archaeologist monitored excavations of over 1,900 yd3 of sediment.  No Native American or Euro-American cultural materials or features were observed during archaeological monitoring.

Location: Yakima County, Washington

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