Date 6/29/23
Cascade Fisheries is preparing to perform soil remediation and creek restoration work along Peshastin Creek, located in Chelan County, Washington. The Lower Peshastin Creek project will include rehabilitation of the creek and floodplain to improve rearing, holding, migration, and spawning habitat for steelhead, spring Chinook, and bull trout species. Upstream of the rehabilitation efforts, a kayak takeout will be installed for kayakers to exit the creek without disrupting the restoration project. Anticipated impacts include excavations, compaction of sediments, and other ground-disturbing construction activities.
This project is supported and/or funded by a variety of State and Federal Agencies including Washington State Department Fish and Wildlife, Washington State Recreation and Conservation Office, Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board, Washington State Department of Transportation, Bonneville Power Administration, Chelan County Public Utility District, and the Washington Department of Ecology. Therefore, a cultural resources survey is required prior to any ground-disturbing work under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.
The fieldwork was completed in a manner consistent with RCW 27.53.030 and included inspection techniques to identify both surface and subsurface archaeological resources. Plateau CRM archaeologists conducted a pedestrian survey, monitored and screened sediment from seven wetland delineation probes, and excavated nine subsurface probes. The pedestrian survey covered the entire APE and subsurface probes were dispersed throughout. One debris scatter—noted as PAI-CCFEG2301-01—was identified along the roadside partially intersecting the APE in the southeast corner. The site has been impacted by earth moving activity and appears to be subject to continued use as a refuse dump. Plateau CRM recommends the area be avoided during travel and laydown of any equipment. Plateau CRM recommends that the proposed undertaking will result in No Historic Properties Affected, and no further archaeological investigations are recommended prior to, or during, execution of this project.