The Spokane County Parks, Recreation & Golf is planning to construct additional spanning 10 acres at Prairie View Park located in eastern Spokane County, Washington. The project requires initial grading of the property followed by construction of two baseball/softball fields on the largest area of the property, and construction of four volleyball pits to the northeast. Equipment and machinery will be staged within the limits of the proposed Project Area.
Plateau archaeologists conducted pedestrian survey that covered the entire Area of Potential Effect (APE) and systematically placed 43 subsurface probes throughout the area. No precontact or historic-era features or cultural materials were identified during the pedestrian survey or subsurface probing.
One NRHP eligible heritage barn sits adjacent to the APE. The historic alignment of the Mullan Road is also thought to run near the APE. Unfortunately, this segment of the Mullan Road has not been documented and historic-era maps of the road were inconclusive. Due to the results of field survey and archival review, Plateau recommended no further archaeological investigations are required prior to or during execution of the Prairie View Park Expansion project.
Location: Spokane County, Washington