Property in Ferry County

Plateau Archaeological Investigations, LLC (Plateau) conducted a cultural resource survey at the request of a property owner in Ferry County. The survey was initiated in preparation for the proposed construction of a residential structure, prompting Plateau to also conduct the appropriate fieldwork to re-record an archaeological site on the landform. In addition to the home, Plateau also conducted work in three other areas to help inform the property owner of potential limitations to perform future construction or remodeling and expansion projects.

Background research revealed one previously identified archaeological site within the project area. Pedestrian survey relocated the site, and surficial cultural materials identified include six areas of debitage concentrations, further refining the original 1978 site documentation. Subsurface probing revealed buried debitage in two other areas—south and east of a structure—at depths ranging from 10 to 75 centimeters below surface. While the site was not extensively explored with subsurface work, the probing identified sediments with little potential for subsurface cultural deposits that would contribute to the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP) eligibility of the site.

Given the presence of a previously recorded archaeological site within the project’s APE, and the potential for additional subsurface cultural materials as indicated by the results of both the field investigations and background review, Plateau recommended that all ground disturbing activities take place under the guidance of an Inadvertent Discovery Plan (IDP). In the event that cultural materials are encountered during implementation of this project, the IDP provides appropriate protocols and procedures to follow in accordance with state and federal laws.

Location: Ferry County, Washington

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