Plateau completed the cultural resource survey for proposed wastewater improvements in Roslyn, Washington. Approximately 1,180 linear feet of new sewerline was proposed along paved roads and gravel alleys. Funding for the project was primarily through U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development monies, and as such, subject to Section 106 compliance.
The project falls within the residential sector of the Roslyn Historic District. However, all project disturbances will be temporary and have no adverse effects on the district and no mitigation is required prior to the implementation of the project.
First Alley runs behind the residential structures on First and Second streets. The service date of the alley is unknown, and it may be that the road was once incorporated into the backyards of the residences. Backyards historically have been the repository of domestic refuse (i.e., broken tableware, clothing ornamentation, etc.). As First Alley may have been part of the backyards in this area, it is possible that evidence of daily activities may have been discarded in this portion of the Project Area, seen as either a thin lens of historic-era artifacts, or possibly as a feature (i.e., refuse-filled depression). Plateau recommended and conducted archaeological monitoring this section of the Project Area, however, no significant cultural materials were observed during project execution. No further archaeological work is recommended prior to implementation of the remaining sections of the Roslyn Sewer System Replacement Project.
Location: Kittitas County, Washington