South Lake Union Antennae Maintenance Project

Plateau Archaeological Investigations completed a cultural resource review and historic property inventory in Seattle on which communication antennae are mounted.  The project consists of replacing nine of the antennae with in-kind devices.  The proposed undertaking did not fall within the category of a new build or a co-location (both of which require a field investigation), and as such, this cultural resource review was completed.

The Ford Factory, which houses several communication antennae, was inventoried as a potential historic property in 2004 and again in 2011.  The building was determined to be eligible for inclusion on the National Registry of Historic Places (NRHP); however, at the time of the investigations was not listed on the NRHP.  Visually, the antennae are almost undetected, primarily because of the “blending” (matching color) with the building itself.  The casual observer would be hard-pressed to notice them at all from a distance.  Essentially, replacement of the antennae, if installed like the older units, would have no adverse affect on the overall feeling and setting of this South Lake Union landmark.  The proposed undertaking, replacement of existing antenna, resulted in No Adverse Effect on Historic Properties in the direct or visual APE.

Location: King County, Washington

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