The Spokane County Public Works Department is proposing to develop a gravel pit in the City of Spokane Valley, Washington. Proposed ground disturbing activities include removal and stockpiling of overburden, surface mining, and crushing gravel. Excavations will reach a depth of 40 feet. The proposed undertaking also includes the potential for future construction of a maintenance shop. This is a county funded project, and is not subject to Section 106 or Executive Order 05-05 review, however, the Spokane Tribal Historic Preservation Officer requested that a cultural resources survey be completed prior to ground disturbing activities.
A review of previously recorded cultural resources and archaeological surveys revealed 16 cultural resources within 1.0 mi (1.6 km) of the project area, none of which were within the project area. No Native American or historic-era cultural materials or features were identified during the cultural resource survey and subsurface investigations of the proposed Eden Pit Project Area. The proposed undertaking will result in No Historic Properties Affected, and no further archaeological investigations are recommended prior to, or during, execution of this project.
Location: Spokane County, Washington