The County of Walla Walla is planning to extend Railex Road toward the south from its current termination point. The extension will measure less than a mile, connecting Railex Road and Raindance Road, a gravel road that will be paved. A proposed borrow area, covering approximately 66 acres, is located directly east. Ground disturbing activities include grubbing, grading/filling, and compaction. The proposed undertaking will be partly funded by Washington State capital funds, and as such, the potential impacts to historic properties must be considered prior to implementation as per Executive Order 05-05.
Pre-field research consisted of the review of known archaeological resources and a cartographic analysis of landform, topography, soils, and proximity to water using topographic maps. This search revealed four previously recorded cultural resources, three historic property inventories, and 14 previously conducted cultural resource surveys within 2.0 mi (3.2 km) of the Project Area.
Cultural resource survey and subsurface investigations of the Railex Road Project resulted in no new cultural resources identified. The proposed undertaking will result in No Historic Properties Affected, and no further archaeological investigations are recommended prior to, or during, execution of this project.
Location: Walla Walla County