Town of St. John Water System Improvements Project

Plateau Archaeological Investigations conducted a cultural resource survey for the Town of St. John’s Water System Improvement Project.  The project included the installation of approximately 19,820 linear feet of pipe and construction of a new well that would occupy less than 2.0 acres.  The new system will help supply adequate drinking water, to improve performance and reliability, and to supply sufficient water for fire suppression.  This project was funded through a U.S. Department of Agriculture-Rural Development grant.  As such, the managing agency must meet the requirements of the Section 106 of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), and consider the potential impacts to historic properties prior to project execution.

No Native American or historic-era cultural material or features were identified during the pedestrian survey.  Plateau recommended that the project proceed with no further archaeological investigations.

Location: Whitman County, Washington

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