Vantage Highway and Pfenning Road Signalization Project

The City of Ellensburg received funding to help with signalization of the Vantage Highway/Pfenning Road intersection.  The area of potential effects (Project Area) covers 3.0 acres.  The intersection was controlled by stop signs on Pfenning Road.  The signalization project included widening and improving both roads to include left turn pockets, curbs, sidewalks, and space for bicycles.  In addition, LED lighting was to be installed, storm drainage will be provided, and utility poles at the intersection moved to clear zones.

Cultural resource survey of the Vantage Highway and Pfenning Road Signalization Project was intended to identify potential archaeological resources and potential historic properties prior to proposed construction.  Pre-field research consisted of a review of known archaeological resources within a 1.0-mile radius of the Project Area as inventoried at the Washington State Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation (DAHP) in Olympia, Washington the Washington Information System for Architectural and Archaeological Data (WISAARD) database and other resources.  A review of previously recorded cultural resources and archaeological surveys revealed 24 previously recorded archaeological resources and 35 cultural resource surveys in the review area.

No pre-contact or historic-era cultural material or features were observed during the pedestrian survey and subsurface investigations of the Project Area.  The majority of the proposed undertaking is limited to an existing modern transportation infrastructure environment.  Plateau recommended that the project proceed as planned.

Location: Kittitas County, Washington

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