The Town of Winthrop is planning to rebuild the municipal ice rink with a refrigerated slab to help extend the season of use. The area of potential effect (APE) covers approximately 1.5 acres, and lies in Section 02 of Township 34 North, Range 21 East, Willamette Meridian. This project will be partly funded by a matching grant from the Washington State Recreation and Conservation office. Since this project is funded by Washington State capital funds, the managing agency must meet the requirements of the Executive Order 05-05 and consider the potential impacts to historic properties prior to project execution.
The pedestrian survey and subsurface investigations for the Winthrop Ice and Sports Rink Refrigeration Project resulted in no newly recorded archaeological resources during the pedestrian survey or subsurface investigations. The majority of the project has been previously disturbed by the existing facility and underground utilities. The proposed undertaking will result in No Historic Properties Affected, and no further archaeological investigations are recommended prior to, or during, execution of this project.
Location: Okanogan County, Washington