Lind Wastewater Treatment Facility Improvements Project

Plateau Archaeological Investigations completed the cultural resource survey for the proposed wastewater facility improvements project in the Town of Lind.  Lind is seeking funding from Rural Development, USDA for the project and as such must consider cultural resource impacts in accordance with Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act.  The proposed project includes modification to the wastewater discharge system such that an infiltration basin (land application) will be developed to replace the existing system which discharges directly into the Lind Coulee stream channel.  The land application area will cover approximately 34.0 acres of nearly flat ground located immediately west of the existing wastewater treatment facility, south of SR 21, and north of the Lind Coulee stream channel.

Background research did not reveal the presence of any previously recorded archaeological sites or historic properties in or near the Project Area.  The field pedestrian survey and probing located a diffuse scatter of historic debris throughout the Project Area.  The artifacts are within highly mottled sediments of the agricultural plow zone and lack depositional integrity.  A concentration of objects and structures related to agricultrual practices on the parcel was identified but it is not greater than 50 years old and therefore does not meet the age requirement for consideration as a historic site.  No other artifacts, features, or structures are within the Area of Potential Effects.  The project will not have an adverse effect on historic resources and no additional archaeological work is recommended prior to, or during, implementation of the projects.

Location: Adams County, Washington

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