Omak Municipal Airport Improvements

The Omak Municipal Airport planned improvements including the removal and replacement of the existing structural section of two turn-around taxiways and taxilane/apron areas.  Re-grading along the shoulders of these areas was also planned as was the replacement of the wind sock.

The Omak Municipal Airport occupies 153 acres while the location of the proposed changes and modifications covers roughly 6.0 acres.  Anticipated impacts included excavations, compaction of sediments, and other ground disturbing construction activities not exceeding 2.0 feet below the existing finished surfaces.  The windsock required excavation of a 5.0-foot deep pile foundation.

The project was partly funded by federal money, thus the requirements of the Section 106 of the NHPA were met to consider the potential impacts to historic properties prior to project execution.  The cultural resource survey and archaeological monitoring of geotechnical investigations carried out at the Omak Municipal Airport revealed no Native American or historic-era cultural material.

Location: Okanogan County, Washington

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