Rock Island Sanitary Sewer Collection System

The City of Rock Island planned to build a wastewater collection system and municipal wastewater treatment facility.  There are three non-contiguous areas of the project: a 5.8-acre parcel proposed for the future site of the wastewater treatment plant, a 31,000-foot long sewer line collection system that will be installed within the right of way of designated streets, and the location of a proposed lift station near a manmade lake on the north edge of the City.  Plateau Archaeological Investigations was commissioned to conduct archaeological investigations under Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA).

The pedestrian survey revealed an absence of cultural resources.  Probing within the proposed wastewater treatment plant location found an absence of Native American and historic-era artifacts, and very little native sediment remaining.  Plateau recommended onsite investigation of soils within the sewer line collection system during initial pot-holing for the project or during geo-technical investigations to verify the types of sediments (flood deposits that are expected).  Further investigation is recommended if the alternate plan of installing sewer line in backyards is chosen.  Archaeological monitoring of geotechnical borings provided no evidence of Native American or historic-era cultural materials or features.

Location: Douglas County, Washington

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