A privately-owned gun club was awarded a Firearms and Archery Range Recreation (FARR) grant by the Washington State Recreation and Conservation Funding Board. The project would involve construction of facilities including an RV parking area, clubhouse, trap shooting range, handgun range, several rifle ranges, and access routes between areas within a larger facility spanning 106 acres.
No previously recorded archaeological sites or potential Traditional Cultural Properties (TCPs) were identified in the Project Area during pre-field research for this project. The pedestrian survey did not reveal the presence of any prehistoric or historic archaeological sites, features, or artifacts in the Project Area. One historic property, the Franklin-Walla Walla Transmission Line, runs across the Project Area, with one of the transmission tower’s footings resting in the Project Area, but outside of any impacted areas. One new historic property was identified during the survey, but it was determined to be not eligible for inclusion on the National Register of Historic Places.
The cultural resource investigation determined that implementation of the project would result in no adverse effect upon historic properties, and Plateau recommended that the proponent could proceed without any additional archaeological or cultural resource investigations. The Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation (CTUIR) and Washington Department of Archaeology and Historic Preservation concurred with Plateau’s recommendations.
Location: Walla Walla County, Washington