Craigmont Business Park Cultural Resource Survey

Craigmont Business Park

The City of Craigmont submitted an Idaho Community Development Block Grant application to complete an infrastructure improvement project at the Craigmont Business Park Site, located in northwest Craigmont in Lewis County, Idaho.  The property included a former sawmill that had been converted to a foundry.  The business park development plan included improvements to the road, storm water drainage, water and sewer to support the foundry and five other parcels intended for supporting or alternative businesses.  This federally funded project was subject to Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 (amended), and its implementing regulations, 36CFR Part 800, and the potential impacts to cultural and historical resources needed to be considered prior to execution.

Plateau completed the cultural resource survey and archaeological monitoring of 17 geotechnical pits throughout the property in 2011.  The survey and subsurface investigations revealed no intact Native American or historic-era cultural materials or features.  The existing structure, the Camas Prairie Sawmill, was inventoried and determined to be not eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places.

Location: Lewis County, Idaho


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